by James Ballard | Feb 14, 2023 | General HVAC, Heat Pumps, Home Maintenance
Is Your HVAC System Due for an Upgrade?
HVAC systems do not age well; your Air Conditioning equipment works hard daily and needs some TLC to keep them running well. In south Florida, HVAC systems struggle to maintain the desired temperature throughout your home. Set the desired temperature in your home for heating and cooling. But when that decade old, it’s time to upgrade your HVAC unit.
What are the seven primary indicators that it is time to replace your HVAC system?
In South Florida, we all need dependable air conditioners and heating equipment. Often we are asked, how many years should an HVAC system last? The general answer will be determined if your Heating & Cooling unit is over a decade of age.
1) Heating & Cooling Units are 10+ years of age. The average air conditioner is built to last 15 to 20 years if well maintained. Without a plan to have your air conditioning system, maintenance needs to be checked regularly; you might have problems in year 10 with major AC repair bills, and increasing energy bills are a big indicator that it’s time to upgrade or need an AC replacement.
2) Blowing cold air or blowing hot air. Throughout your home, the HVAC systems cycle warm air conditioning into cold, comfortable temperatures. When the HVAC system gets older, the repairs will increase. Then it’s a sure sign it’s time to upgrade your HVAC system needs.
3) Weak airflow is the worst. This could mean your HVAC system can not keep up with the comfortable temperature you set. Cycling on and off frequently is a sign it’s time to have your unit serviced and installed, possibly upgrading your HVAC system.
4) Loud noise. Coming from your current system could mean parts are worn and need attention to determine if it’s safe. Compressors: Turn off the thermostat and call Atlantis for an efficient evaluation of your HVAC system.
5) Humidity in homes is a sign it’s time to call for service. An older HVAC unit cycles the air throughout your home and cycles the heating into cooling comfortable temperature. But if you are feeling sticky and sweating, your unit requires repairs to replace your HVAC unit or parts that are worn down. When the repairs become frequent, it’s time to upgrade your HVAC system.
6) Unusual smells or odors in your home, and after investigation, determine where the unusual smell is coming from the HVAC unit’s vents or the unit itself. A buildup of humidity mixed with dirt and dust over time will start bacteria to build up if not correctly cycled, and an upgrade to UV light to help kill viruses and bacteria in the air of your living space. This will help families or workers who have allergies or are sensitive to mold or mildew.
7) Leaking water from your HVAC System will often appear in your invitation of noises and smells, or just at home where the heating or cooling cycles on more frequently. Water is never a good sign to a homeowner, for it can damage the house’s interior and cause health issues with mold and mildew growing in your HVAC unit.
How often should you upgrade your HVAC system?
How often to update your air conditioner and heating system? It is a tricky question because it depends on how well you take care of your Air Conditioning system with regular tune-ups and maintenance. Just like a car, if you don’t do the regular maintenance like oil changes, tire changes, and Tune-ups. Just like a car needs AC maintenance, so does your Air conditioner.
Ignoring this can result in costly upkeep for machines that frequently break down. Regular maintenance will help protect your investment from getting the manufacturer-suggested life span of your Air conditioner.

How Do HVAC Units Affect the Value of a Property?
If you want to sell your property, adding a brand new HVAC system often boosts the value and appeal of the property by as much as 10 percent. A new roof will help sell a house, and so will a new heating and cooling unit. So it might be time to upgrade your HVAC system.
How to Know If an HVAC System Needs Updating
Here are some professional tips to help you identify if an air conditioning system upgrade is needed:
Loud, unusual sounds from your air conditioning system are never good. Things trapped in the fans after a storm or getting sucked into the outdoor unit can cause serious repair issues with cooling fluid, broken fans, etc.
- Noise on before or start-up
- The outdoor unit is noisier than usual.
- Creaking or banging noise that comes from the furnace.
- A loud blower in the ductwork
- I was spending a lot of money on an older Air conditioning system.
- Increasing utility bills
- Frequent and costly repair bills
- Not being able to shut your AC off or turn it on can be a faulty compressor.
- AC runs longer to cool or heat the living space.
- Energy bills or Utility bills keep creeping up every month.
- Emergency service to your HVAC system.
So, how to know if your HVAC system is due for an upgrade?
All the signs it’s time to replace your HVAC may not be clear when to replace your HVAC unit. According to the professional at Atlantis AC, with substantial repair bills in emergency services. With all the signs, it’s time to replace your HVAC system.
Energy costs slowly increase from your AC usage. It’s true, and they’re not indestructible; their parts will begin to deteriorate over time. Even a well-maintained HVAC system must be replaced eventually! To learn if your home’s units can use an upgrade, here are six signs it’s time to install a new heating and cooling system. Energy Costs are Unusually High and Increasing. A significant sign that it’s time to replace your HVAC unit is if your home’s energy costs increase. Though energy bills typically increase the more homeowners use their HVAC systems in extreme weather months, they can rise when HVAC is used.
Property value how to know if your HVAC system is due for an upgrade of your HVAC units? Take a look at the overall value of a property. For those planning to sell their home, a brand-new heating and AC unit can boost the value of their property by up to 10%.
In some cases, owners may think purchasing an air conditioner filter replacement will resolve the issue. However, if the system installed is over a decade old, it may be time to consider relief, as poor air conditioning could hurt the sale.
You can also see good HVAC services that provide cooling and heating maintenance, heating services, ac repair, heating equipment replacement, or heat pump repair! How to Tell If an old or faulty HVAC system can hurt your home’s air quality is when there’s an abnormal dust buildup.
The ventilation system in your HVAC unit helps keep the air quality clean, but if it isn’t working correctly, it can cause dust and other debris to build up. The HVAC System is More Than a Decade Old Lastly, the age of your home’s systems can be a sign it’s time to upgrade your HVAC system.
Depending on how often you use your HVAC system, its components can degrade after many years. Not only will you benefit from installing an HVAC system with brand new parts, but newer models tend to old or faulty HVAC systems that can hurt your home’s air quality when there’s an abnormal dust buildup.
Call us for a free consultation on what kind of HVAC unit is best to lower your energy cost and deliver the best indoor quality air system within budget and lower your energy cost and deliver the best indoor quality air system within budget.
by James Ballard | Dec 2, 2022 | Air Conditioners, Air Handlers, General HVAC, Home Maintenance
Why is There a Burning Smell of Plastic in your Home?
If you see a burning fire in your outlet, stop reading this, call 911 or the Fire Department, and, evacuate your home. This, of course, is a more serious issue. If you haven’t turned on your heat recently, number two can probably be eliminated.
6 reasons your AC smells like it’s burning and what to do next.
Assuming there’s no fire in your home. If your AC unit is in cooling mode, and you smell burning from your AC, shut it off immediately. Running your ac unit while something is wrong will create bigger, more expensive issues for you. You’ll need to call Atlantis AC your experienced AC repairman. In the meantime, here are some reasons your unit could be overheating. Overheating Motor In
Your AC Unit Smells Like It’s Burning & What to Do Next
Here are six potential reasons your air conditioning system is emitting a burning smell from your AC and what you can do about it. How Should Normal Furnaces Smell? During the year as your furnace, smells, like the burning smell of plastic, and what they mean …
#1. Dust Is Burning Off Did you just turn on your heater, furnace, or heat pump for the first time in a while, and now you notice a burning smell? After months of little to no use (especially in Florida!), the inside of your HVAC system will collect dust. When you turn on your heating system, the dust burns off and releases a slight burning odor. The burning smell is coming from your ac unit.
Solution: Don’t worry. This smell is harmless and should go away within a few minutes. This furnace system is free from dust, hair, pet dander, and other airborne contaminants. This is the most common reason why air conditioning systems emit a burning odor. However, if you have a burning smell from the AC unit, sometimes the build-up of dust on your heating components means that when the heat is turned back on, the dust burns off. The smell should quickly dissipate. If it persists, you may have one of the other problems on this list. What to do to fix the problem: Get your HVAC system professionally checked and cleaned.
#2. The air filter is clogged
The Air Filter is Clogged This might be causing the problem if: You haven’t changed your air filters in more than two months. Air filters are put in place to catch the dirt and debris that come into your HVAC system and to prevent them from circling back smell coming from their AC Heater or furnace the first time they turn it on for the season, but what do you do when your heater smells like that all the time?
If you think your air filter is clogged, these contaminants can get sucked into the blower and cause it to overheat. This can also lead to dirt and dust reaching the heat exchanger and heating up. Both of these will cause a burning smell and can be mostly avoided by changing your filter regularly. If the air filtration system doesn’t work properly, the air filter is likely clogged. If the air filter is stuck down by excess debris, air circulation is restricted, causing excessive pressure and vibration in air conditioning equipment and motors. This can cause an unpleasant smell in some places.
While some furnace smells are completely normal, the burning smell of something plastic, electrical odors, or burning dust may signal deeper issues with your HVAC system. Find out what could be causing the smell of burning when you turn on your furnace by using this guide. Remember, here at Atlantis AC, our team of factory-trained-certified professionals is always here to help.
Solution: Check for clogging of filters before replacing them – if needed – with an updated one if possible. Make the filter changes once a year as necessary. This is an essential component of air conditioner service you can do yourself for the most efficient efficiency of your AC unit!
Dirty Ductwork Debris Burning As the weather changes, pine needles fall, the wind blows grass cuttings and other debris around, and dust and dirt settle on surfaces and in crevasses. Sometimes if you smell something burning in your vents, it capacitor.
#3 The capacitor is broken
All air conditioning systems use capacitors to power the motor. The capacitor fails to operate when overheated, giving off an overwhelming burning smell. Capacitors break in varying situations — overheating circuitry and electrical power surges and general wear.
All air conditioning systems use capacitors to power the motor. The capacitor fails to operate when overheated, giving off an overwhelming burning smell. Capacitors break in varying situations — overheating circuitry and electrical power surges and general wear.
Solution:: This will usually require the replacement of the capacitor. Please disable the air-conditioned unit and consult with an Atlantis AC technician about this. The capacitor is broken.
What does an overheating AC compressor smell like?
The compressor and AC motor may produce smoke or an overheated odor. Why does my AC smell like burning?
Overheating Motors On the inside of your AC system there are fans that move the air throughout your home. The bearings in the fan may fall apart and cause overheating of the motor driving it. It will make your throat burn.
Why Does My House Smell of Burning Plastic?
If your house smells like a burning plastic, take caution. The smell of burning plastic could be a sign of an overheated household appliance, a kitchen accident, or a problem with the HVAC system. Heaters and furnaces may smell burnt plastic when their parts are broken or worn out.
Parts that may need to be replaced include The capacitor Plastic-coated wires (that may have caused an electrical fault) The fan belt These issues should be addressed in a timely manner to prevent further problems.
#4 – The belt-driven motor is overheating
This might be causing the problem if The burning smell from the Athe C unit smells like burning rubber. Some AC units have belt drives that power their blowers, and over time, the rubber belt drives can become worn down or even begin to melt. If the burning smell from the Athe C unit smells rubbery, it’s likely time to replace your belt. What to do to fix the problem: Replace the rubber bands in your belt drive blower.
Certain HVAC systems feature an air-conditioner that can be driven using belts instead of direct drive. These products have rubber straps and may eventually wear out and produce burn-out smells.
Solution: It will require replacement in the future so if the burns smell rubbery it’s likely it’s time for a replacement.
#5 The motor is overheating
The same is true for capacitors – defective motors emit flammable smells and also burn out. With time the bearings on the motors wear out causing the engine to overheat.
Whenever you smell the burning smell, you must stop the air conditioner immediately. It will hopefully reduce power loss and help avoid replacement motors.
Why does my heater smell like something is burning?
Many older appliances overheat and make some parts corrode. The wiring of your home is another source of an odor, but it’s not always possible.
If your Air Conditioning system or heater or furnace smells like burning rubber or burning plastic?
Why does my house smell like burning plastic?
If you notice a burning plastic smell or odor that smells like burning plastic or burning rubber your furnace could have a more serious problem. It’s possible that a foreign object like a child’s dropped toy, or an unnoticed spill could be in your HVAC system‘s ductwork.
Turn off your furnace or AC unit and remove your AC registers or grilles so you can clean or remove any objects that don’t belong. Sometimes a burning plastic smell can be a sign of an electrical failure. Malfunctions in the heater can cause the plastic wire casings to fail and meltdown. The melting of the system is emitting a burning smell and what you can do about it. Professionals will be able to figure out what the issue is. Call Atlantis air conditioning professional in West Palm Beach, FL. If your air conditioning system is giving off a burning smell, don’t panic.
#6 – What to do if you encounter the smell of burning plastic?
The Electrical Components Are Broken This might be causing the problem if The burning smell from the AC unit is plastic or has a tinge of sulfur.
What does electrical burning smell like? The electrical fire was first very acrid with a smell. A short might be found in outlets or wiring within walls but can be hard to find. Burning smells or burning plastic smell odors in the air may be indicators of electrical failure.
How do I fix a burning smell in my Air Conditioner?
An overheating motor may produce smoldering noise on AC units because the bearing wears down over time. Most likely you need to lubricate your bearings.
Burning smell you may be encountering. Electrical Problems It’s also possible that there are other electrical problems in your unit causing other components to overheat. A trained professional will be able to figure out what the issue is. Call the air conditioning experts in West Palm Beach, Fl Atlantis Air Conditioning Technician. If your air conditioning system is giving off a burning smell, don’t panic. The professionals at Atlantis AC specialize in dissecting and determining what the issues are in your air conditioner and fixing them.
We are happy to come out to your home or business and inspect your AC unit, keep you cool and get your system back if the capacitor falters, or the motor can overheat and give off a burning smell. Capacitors break for lots of reasons, from overheated circuitry or power surges to general wear and tear. Solution: In these cases, you will almost always need to replace the capacitor. We recommend turning off your air conditioning system and calling a professional for this one. Does your AC unit have a Burning Smell Like Burning? Atlantis AC Can Help sort out the problem.
The professionals at Atlantis AC specialize in dissecting and determining what the issues are in your air conditioner and fixing them. We are happy to come out to your home or business and inspect your AC unit, keep you cool and get your system back up and running efficiently. To learn more, call Atlantis AC today at (561) 586-1233.
by James Ballard | Oct 1, 2022 | Air Quality, Ductwork, Home Maintenance
The Benefits of UV Lights
Why Do People Get Sick in the Winter?
There are several reasons why germs and viruses circulate in our homes in the winter. For starters, The overhead ultraviolet UV lights in hospitals, public settings, and residential homes could prevent the spread of dangerous and sometimes deadly flu viruses.
Contact our heating professionals at Home Comfort Experts today to learn about our indoor air quality services. We offer an Ultraviolet Air Disinfection Syclean to keep the air in the home clean.
When Is the Best Time To Upgrade to a Clean Indoor Air?
The most significant benefit is when you get your cooling and heating unit repaired or replaced, the AC technician typically asks if you want to install this UV light technology in your Air Conditioning system.
Thankfully this technology is a proven solution, with ultraviolet UV lights through integrated UV lighting systems. To prevent the spread of mildew and mold in vents and pipes in our ventilation system. Interested in learning the five best benefits of using UV light in our HVAC Sytems?
1. Ductwork with Mold And Mildew
Fungal contamination of mildew and mold in your HVAC units is a typical problem you can’t neglect. The HVAC System spreads contagious diseases, allergic rhinitis, and asthma, rendering organisms and other illnesses. Benefits of UV Ultraviolet UV light allows you to develop a powerful air cleansing system in your home or business.
UV lamps prevent mold and mildew from building up in the vents and getting into your house. And eliminate pathogens, germs, fungi, bacteria, and viruses to keep your family safe.
2. Enhanced Air Quality with UV Lights
An air purification system will improve the air quality by killing irritants that make us sick with sinus problems. Living in a home with UV lights in your ventilation system will combat contaminants in your air-handling units, air ductwork, and airborne fungi.
Throughout your home, you can have Ultraviolet light destroy the drug-resistant bacteria in hospitals at 97 percent. Now you can have this defense in your home or office.
3. Home Sterilization and Disease Prevention
Air circulates in your home by the HVAC system ductwork, cooling all the rooms of the house or office building. So, when someone is sick, germs become airborne with bacteria and viruses and spread throughout your HVAC duct work System to other family members or co-workers, and soon everyone is sick.
4. Improved Airflow
This UV technology cleans the air with ultraviolet exposure by eliminating organic buildup on drain pipes, cooling coils, and ductwork Stopping pathogens and microorganisms, we breathe easier and sleep better by improving our indoor air quality.
5. Clean Air is Cost-Effective Investment
Yes, a circulation air that cleans itself. That’s a great reason to have Atlantis AC technicians inspect your home to see if you can benefit from this UV technology. Our professionals know precisely how much ultraviolet you will need for your heating and cooling system. Before installing an ultraviolet UV to your system.
The best Air Purifiers in the marketplace
There are so many in the marketplace you need a professional to advise you on which one will be the most efficient and cost-effective for your family’s needs.
Where To Get Quality AC Equipment And Services
Atlantis Air Conditioning in Lake Worth, Florida, has been in business Since 1.984. They are the leading provider that sells and installs UV Lights inside your cooling and heating systems. The residents of West Palm Beach are welcome to call to set an appointment to install UV Lights, AC repair, Air Conditioning, and heating installations; 24/7 Emergency Services and our excellent Maintenance plans will keep it all going.
by James Ballard | Jun 1, 2022 | Ductwork, Energy Efficiency, Heat Pumps
Is a seasonal Air Conditioner tune-up essential?
Is a seasonal Air Conditioner tune-up essential? This summer outlook, “It’s going to be a scorcher.” Spring is here, and we’ve already hit the 90+ degree mark. Yep, it’s going to be a hot one. Soon our Air conditioners all across the area will be working hard to keep our families comfortable.
But Is your air conditioner ready for the challenge of a long hot summer? If not, it is time to schedule your preseason air conditioner tune-up. HVAC experts and the U.S. Department of energ
y and manufacturers recommend a yearly comprehensive inspection andAir Conditioner tune-up for multiple reasons.
- A preventative tune-up will increase the efficiency of your system, keeping you more relaxed and lowering your energy consumption, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint.
- An Air Conditioner tune-up helps prevent common and expensive air conditioning problems in the hottest time when your system is working at its most challenging, to keep your family comfortable. The season’s peak is extremely busy and can mean delays in repairs, and preventive maintenance helps to ensure your comfort all season long.
- Keeping up with Annual preventive maintenance is a primary factor in extending the life of your air conditioning system and preventing the premature failure of essential components.
Always choose a reputable HVAC company with Knowledgeable, skilled technicians for the best service and guaranteed work. Reputable companies require their technicians to take continuing education courses to date on the latest technologies and changing standards.
Is a Seasonal Air Conditioner Tune-Up Necessary?
Many maintenance things are necessary to make out lives comfortable. Like buying groceries, Maintainance like oil changes, replacing worn tires on your car, or service trucks and vans. Our air conditioning is not an item we can see, so it’s easy to overlook, with no reminder or a service agreement.
Is an AC Maintenance Necessary?
No, it’s not necessary. It might come as a shock from an AC contractor. Your system will not just shut down or go up in flames! The lifespan of your manufacturer manual says to have regular maintenance done on your AC System.
The build-up comes over time, and the damage is noticeable in the warn parts. We will not guarantee your system will not break down if you don’t have a maintenance agreement. Is a Seasonal Air Conditioner Tune-Up Necessary? Schedule your preseason ac tune-up. Keep your AC manufacturer warranty compliant with a seasonal Air Conditioner tune-up.
Getting the attention of your AC technician to look at your system at regular appointments will help preserve and keep your air conditioner running. The goal is to get the total life expectancy out of your manufacturer warranty, and a maintenance plan will help you achieve your goal.
What exactly does a preventative Air Conditioner tune-up involve?
Our staff is equipped 247 for any situation, including commercial and residential AC service in West Palm Beach. Technicians are all certified and trained in all major makes and modes, highly trained to spot the systems manufacturer defects and known manufacturer problems.
Once certified or hired from an existing AC shop, we train our newly hired technicians for another couple of years. All new technician’s work is checked by a Senior Atlantis Technician or Contractor of Atlantis Air Conditioning Corp. level of customer service.
There are several essential steps in a preventative Air Conditioner tune-up that will improve the efficiency and extend the life of your Air Conditioning system, including these essentials.
- All moving parts are lubricated; this includes the motor and fan, to prevent friction and reduce wear.
- The inspect for any loose electrical connections.
- All essential components are inspected for damage and cleaned
- Refrigerant checked for visible leaks
- The AC Thermostats checked
- Condenser coils will be reviewed and cleaned
- Evaporator coils will be inspected and sprayed with an algicide AC Algaecide tablets will also be added.
- Will inspect AC Blower wheels and fans.
- Look for exposed AC ductwork, and will be checked for visible leaks
- Inspect the AC Relays and AC contractor Relays
- Humidistat for AC operation is checked where applicable
- Ari Conditioning Temperatures and pressures will be recorded
- Air Filters are replaced or washed
- Belts and pulleys will be inspected and adjusted as required
- Test AC Controls and safeties are tested as needed
- Inspect your AC unit wiring, and the AC electrical disconnect will be inspected.
Ductwork is inspected for air leaks, making your system less effective and raising your energy bills. They will also check for obstructions that can reduce airflow, which can cause the system to overheat.
- The technician will test the electrical control of your system for proper cycling to maintain your home’s comfort level. Improper cycling places a heavier burden on your cooling system, which can cause excessive wear and expensive AC repairs.
The New refrigerant level is measured, and system leak checks on the AC system. Leaking refrigerant is terrible for the environment and will not allow your system to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. If any AC leaks are detected, they are repaired and tested.
- All terminals and wires can have corrosion and rust. After inspection, corrosive cables are replaced with a non-conductive coating to prevent corrosion and rust.
- The coils inspected for grime and scale can prevent the exchange of heat and reduce the efficiency of your cooling system.
- The technician will measure your air conditioner’s airflow to ensure optimal cooling of your home.
- Flush the condensation drain to prevent clogs during the hot, humid summer season.
DIY Home Owners can take these Steps to Save on their Energy Bills.
Replace your filter when you can no longer see the filter material due to dust. A dirty filter allows dust to build up inside your system, restricting airflow and reducing the air quality of your home. A clean filter is essential for the efficiency of your air conditioner and your comfort.
Monthly cleaning of the outdoor condensing unit of your system with a garden hose will help remove dirt and debris trapped in the fins, which can interfere with the exchange of heat and reduce airflow. Keeping all vegetation at least 18 inches away from the outdoor components of your system will ensure good airflow to the system.
You keep the area around your indoor unit clean to prevent dust from infiltrating the system. Check the condensate pan and keep it free of debris, which can cause clogs and backups that will shut off your air conditioning system.
Check all doors and windows for leaks, replace any damaged caulk around the windows and doors, and replace any damaged seals to keep your cooled air inside and heat from seeping into the house, making your air conditioner work harder.
Using ceiling fans in occupied rooms will help you save on your energy bill by allowing you to feel comfortable while setting your air conditioner at a higher temperature. But make sure to turn fans off when leaving the room—fans cool people, not the actual space.
Pulling the shades down during the day’s heat will help block the heat from entering your home and make your air conditioner work overtime.
Several appliances such as your clothes dryer, oven, and even vacuum cleaners generate quite much heat. Using them in the early morning or evening hours keep them from heating your home and raising your energy bill,
Please inquire about our professional Commercial or Residential AC advice to stay cool this summer at the lowest cost. Get a quote, or schedule your annual air conditioning tune-up with one of our highly trained technicians. Please contact us for a free quote at Atlantis Air Conditioning Corp. Get A Quote today! 561-586-1233
by James Ballard | Apr 2, 2022 | Heat Pumps
AC Contractors West Palm Beach Florida
AC Contractors West Palm Beach, Florida contractors of Atlantis AC celebrate another successful completion of a new building in West Palm Beach. The teams all came together and completed the goal of a well-done job and putting safety first. All companies must work side by side to deliver our clients’ best products and services.
Atlantis Air Conditioning would like to help you too! Ready to service your home or business 24/7. There is no Project too big or small.
Does AC Heat Pump Installation need AC repair help? Atlantis AC can do the job! Our AC techs are ready to assist with your plumbing needs, from drain cleaning and water heater repair to leaking detection and re-piping.
AC Contractors West Palm Beach Florida
AC Contractors are licensed and insured and backed up by our highly trained AC techs, who work together to get your next project completed on time and within budget. Safety is first on our projects. We have the tools to make jobs happen like contracted and approved by our AC Contractors.
Professional HVAC Services
Profesional building managers call us for all of your heating and cooling needs! Both environmentally and interpersonally. Our technicians are always happy to explain exactly what needs repair and why. They’ll show you our pricing manual when they diagnose the problem, so you know exactly what to expect.
Air Conditioning Repair
We want to earn your trust and become your first call or search for Air Conditioning services for West Palm Beach. You can count on our team to deliver state-of-the-art heating and cooling systems. Plus, our experienced technicians are constantly participating in training programs to ensure they are up to date on the latest techniques and industry knowledge.
HVAC Services in West Palm Beach, FL We provide emergency A/C service to West Palm Beach FL, residents performed by experienced technicians that are licensed, trained, and friendly. For Residential and Commercial AC issues, big and small, we offer the service and products to meet them. Give Atlantis AC a call when you need an AC technician in West Palm Beach, FL!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Air Conditioning Repair West Palm Beach, FL 
Air Conditioning service vehicles are fully stocked and ready to take care of all of your air conditioning needs. Along with our excellent AC service, we also offer a full range of new air conditioners if you lack a new air conditioning unit.
Best Air Conditioning & HVAC Contractors in West Palm Beach, FL Atlantis AC are Heating and Cooling Contractors in West Palm Beach, FL. Best Air Conditioning & HVAC service.
When your air conditioner or furnace breaks, you need a trustworthy, licensed, expert HVAC service at your side, and in West Palm Beach, FL, Rheem of independent contractor that can get your heat or air conditioning back online in no time. My A/C Service Indoor Air Quality Light Commercial Maintenance Refrigeration Products;
- ASX14 – High-Efficiency Air Conditioning
- ASX16 – High-Efficiency Air Conditioning
- ASXC16 – High-Efficiency Air Conditioning
- ASXC18 – High-Efficiency Air Conditioning
- AVXC20 – High-Efficiency Air Conditioning
Residents in West Palm Beach have the best HVAC team; Atlantis AC is your local AC Company. Why? Because we guarantee our services, high-level HVAC Trane training delivers to your door. But, we hope you choose us to install your unit, and we come out to service your group for a year after the installation. Continued maintenance plans ensure your AC investment is protected by the best HVAC team in West Palm Beach.
Commercial Air Conditioning Maintenance
Atlantis AC is known for competitive prices, building excellent working relationships, and our technical excellence. Our technicians are extensively experienced and well trained in the larger and more complex systems in commercial buildings.
Did you know there are many routine commercial air conditioning maintenance tasks you can perform yourself? In between services, we recommend that business owners ensure air filters are clean – Reduced airflow from a dirty filter forces your system to work harder. Changing or cleaning your air filter every two to three months reduces energy.
A/C Maintenance for West Palm Beach, FL
We offer routine maintenance because it reduces the damage by normal wear and tears and helps prevent complications and costly repairs down the road. The best offense is a great defense! Proudly Serving Palm Beach County, FL, and the Surrounding Communities When you call Atlantis AC for expert AC repair, our list of core values is short and sweet.
At Atlantis AC of West Palm Beach, FL, AC Contractors, you can always expect: -Honesty. We’ll work to fix a problem before suggesting a replacement instead.
Locations we service in West Palm Beach, FL.
Financing specials are available. Call the office for details.
Service Area; Palm Beach, Lake Park, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Wellington, Juno Beach, Greenacres, Loxahatchee, Lake Worth, Lakeworth, Lantana, Jupiter, Atlantis, Hypoluxo, Tequesta, Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Hobe Sound, Haverhill Palm Beach Gardens Riviera Beach Royal we are your local AC Contractor since 1984.
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