Which AC Manufacturer Brand is Best?
As champions of South Florida, providing comfort to our neighbors at work and relax at home. Shopping for a new AC unit is very different from how we typically shop because you can’t just choose on appearance;
The more you research, the more you start understanding what’s essential, like the energy efficiency or the SEER rating. The cost to run the Air conditioner and the heating is a big concern.
Crunching the numbers and doing lots of research still can be unsure. Complying vast amounts of info, you can see what is available; air conditioners, central air conditioners, heat pumps, and variable speed VRF can be found in all the best air conditioner brands.
Choosing the best HVAC system is a lot of work find the best air conditioner brands on this list. Be sure to check the Seer rating and efficiency rating for the seasonal energy efficiency ratio with high customer satisfaction.
Which AC Manufacturer Brand is Best? Atlantis Air Conditioning has studied the different brands and models over the years. We’ve installed the best Air conditioning brands to help you with your decision because it is pretty challenging, and you don’t want to waste your money.
We have provided quality residential and commercial HVAC installations for over three decades. Their technicians are experienced and factory-trained, and they offer custom building designs for commercial HVAC installations.
With our years of experience, we know the manufacturers who stand behind their warrantees for the customer’s good. We only install these brands that have proven the test of time over the years.
Which AC manufacturer brand is best? You benefit from our experience has been handed down through the generations, and the training never stops with our technicians. So you can trust we give the best advice for your specific needs and wants in Commercial or Residental HVAC Services.
For those researchers, who want convenience with their AC needs, these products offer many benefits that will meet all expectations – from energy efficiency rates as high as 89% (in specific models) to comprehensive warranty coverage on parts for years past the expiration date.
Which AC Manufacturer Brand is Best? Before buying an air conditioner, you must know what type of system you have. The trane ac systems, commercial and residential, are some great options for your home or business!
Which AC Manufacturer Brand is Best?
Trane Air Conditioning
Trane air conditioning units are some of the most popular on the market, and Atlantis offers Trane air conditioning service and installation.
The Trane AC Systems is a top-of-the-line commercial and residential air conditioning system. It has All-in-One features,s including inverter technology, allowing easier installation. The dual digital sensors provide better accuracy than ever before while also being more energy-efficient, making this unit perfect if you want efficiency without sacrificing comfort.
The following is a list of reasons to buy an air conditioner from Trane: Trane units are known for their reliability and energy efficiency and have a great warranty. View limited warranty details: Outdoor Units Warranty, Furnaces Warranty, Air Handlers Warranty, Packaged Units Warranty, Ductless Systems Warranty, Coils Warranty
Bosch Air Conditioning
Bosch is another top AC manufacturer, and their units are known for being very quiet and energy-efficient. They offer various models, and their warranties are among the best in the marketplace. Residential and Commercial solutions for heating and cool home comfort. Delivers exceptional seer on Inverter Ducted Split Systems. With four sizes 2 to 5-ton capacity. Quite an air-to-air system.
Carrier Air Conditioners
Carrier is a leading AC manufacturer, and their units are known for being durable and efficient. They have over a hundred years of experience building innovative, high-quality HVAC air conditioning systems. Carrier brand holds several patented technological advances that increase the energy efficiency of the HVAC systems of their commercial and residential heating and air conditioning systems.
Carrier brand efficient models up to a 21 SEER rating, the highest on the market. Carrier repairs are usually fairly affordable compared to the rest of the HVAC industry. The company also offers heat pumps, gas furnaces, and other HVAC systems.
Carrier is also known for having highly qualified installers who are trained specifically in how to install a Carrier air conditioner like Atlantis Air Conditioning of Lake Worth, Florida. Certified Carrier installers to be the best in the HVAC industry
Mitsubishi Air Conditioners
Mitsubishi is a Japanese AC manufacturer that offers some of the most energy-efficient units on the market. Their AC units have excellent warranties and show various models from ducted and ductless systems. An interesting fact is that Mitsubishi holds the 2017 Guinness World Record for the longest-running cross-flow AC unit brand.
They held the Guinness World Record as the longest-running cross-flow AC brand in 2017.
Rudd Air Conditioners
Rudd is known as a budget friendly company, an American AC manufacturer that offers various models to choose from; their air conditioning units are known for being durable and energy-efficient, quiet operation, and offer excellent warranties.0.
Ruud Air Conditioning Systems provides a complete product selection in heating and cooling. The Ruud Achiever RA16 has 16 SEER energy savings. Many test reports show Ruud AC units are extremely durable and reliable. In addition, they offer products throughout the United States, which means that the warranty process is quick and effective for the replacement and re-installation of equipment and parts.
Amana Air Conditioners
Amana is another top AC manufacturer, and their units are known for being very reliable and energy-efficient. They offer various models, and their warranties are among the best in the marketplace.
Amana has been keeping homes comfortable for over 80 years and manufactures dependable residential air conditioners. Amana has high standards putting quality, home comfort, and environmental concerns as their highest priority.
Atlantis Air Conditioning Free appointment to help you decide which brand is best for you and your family. Measure your space and listen to your family’s unique needs, if any. We can Air condition any size home or building. Call today at (561) 586-1233